


The Consumer Affairs Agency’s blue-ribbon Whistleblower Protection System Review Committee (Committee) released its interim report (Report) on the revision of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Act) on 2 September 2024. The Committee has continued discussing revisions to the Act based on the Report since its publication. This alert summarizes the Report and offers practical guidance on how to respond to potential revisions to the Act. Overview of the Report The Report points out several operational issues…

In brief Japan amended the provisions on the crime of bribing foreign public officials (“Criminal Bribery of Foreign Officials”) under the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (UCPA), effective 1 April 2024, and updated the Guidelines for the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials (“Foreign Bribery Guidelines”) in February 2024. Key changes to the UCPA include increased fines and longer terms of imprisonment for individuals or corporations who bribe foreign public officials, expanded corporate liability and…

In order to file a petition for a compulsory enforcement, a petitioner is required to identify the location of the obligor’s property. If a creditor wins a civil case against a debtor but cannot identify the debtor’s property, then the creditor would not be able to enforce the judgment against the debtor. In this regard, the Japanese legal system has been unsuccessful in obliging the debtor to disclose its assets. Traditionally, the creditor would be…