
Andrey Bogdanov

Andrey Bogdanov is an associate in the Moscow office of Baker McKenzie. Andrey has experience in domestic/international litigation with a strong focus on insolvency and restructuring disputes, cross-border insolvencies and asset tracing matters. The Legal 500 has recognized Andrey as a key lawyer in restructuring and insolvency disputes and in domestic litigation.

1. Introduction As in other jurisdictions, Russiaā€™s insolvency legislation is based on the pari passu principle. However, this principle is subject to certain exceptions, speciļ¬cally with respect to shareholders and other non-armā€™s length creditors, such as the controlling persons of an insolvent company (ā€œAfļ¬liated Creditorsā€). In practice, Afļ¬liated Creditors use other instruments (e.g. loans, intergroup supplies etc.) to have their claims listed in the creditorsā€™ register of an insolvent company. First, this enables such creditors…