
Peter Tomczak

Peter Tomczak serves as Baker McKenzie's Co-Chair, Global Investigations, Compliance and Ethics. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Firm's Global Dispute Resolution practice, and also serves on the Firm's Global Professional Responsibility and Practice Committee and Cross-Alliance Pricing Committee. Peter previously served as Chair of the Firm's North America Litigation and Government Enforcement Practice Group, and on the Steering Committee of the Firm's Global Industrials, Manufacturing and Transportation Industry Practice Group. Peter joined Baker McKenzie in 2003 after having served as a law clerk for the Delaware Court of Chancery. Peter's principal areas of practice are corporate internal investigations, corporate compliance, and complex business disputes. He has conducted sensitive internal investigations, in particular those arising under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, for multinational corporations in more than 30 international jurisdictions. He also regularly counsels clients and their boards of directors on corporate compliance, ESG and corporate governance matters. Peter has successfully represented clients in complex business disputes, including in those among corporate stakeholders involving alleged breaches of fiduciary duties.

In brief On June 26, 2024, in Snyder v. United States, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision authored by Justice Kavanaugh, significantly limited the federal statute criminalizing gratuities in state and local jurisdictions. Snyder, a mayor, awarded a USD 1.3 million contract and received a USD 13,000 payment from the benefiting company. The Supreme Court ruled that the relevant statute, Title 18 section 666, applies only to bribes paid or promised before an official act,…