
Andi Kadir

Andi Kadir is a senior partner and head of the Dispute Resolution Practice Group in Jakarta. He has extensively represented multinational corporations and local companies in domestic and international arbitration (including enforcement of arbitration awards in Indonesia), complex litigation proceedings, court-sanctioned debt restructuring proceedings (PKPU), bankruptcy/insolvency litigation and enforcement of collaterals in Indonesia. He is also well experienced in employment litigation (including dismissal of directors and commissioners), corporate crimes, compliance and regulatory issues in the context of investigation, and administrative law disputes with government agencies (including judicial review to annul the government's regulations). Andi is a co-chairman of the arbitration and ADR commission of ICC Indonesia. He is also a court member of ICC International Court of arbitration. He is a registered arbitrator at Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI). Andi focuses his practice on bankruptcy/insolvency matters, litigation and arbitration.

In brief The New Criminal Code became the first piece of legislation passed into Law in 2023 and was promulgated on 2 January as Law No. 1 of 2023. Part one of our client alert series outlined the key features of the New Criminal Code (access here) and part two of our client alert series outlined the key features of digital information, bribery & corruption and money laundering-related crimes in the New Criminal Code (access…

In brief The New Criminal Code became the first piece of legislation passed into Law in 2023 and was promulgated on 2 January as Law No. 1 of 2023. In the next three years, the New Criminal Code will replace the 100-year old criminal code currently in place. Part one of our client alert series outlined the key features of the New Criminal Code (access here). In this part two of the series, we take a…

In brief This client alert discusses the new Indonesian criminal code, which in a few years will replace the existing criminal code. This alert outlines the key features of the new criminal code, and is the first of a series of client alerts on the new Indonesian criminal code. Snapshots of the New Criminal Code The House of Representatives and the Government of Indonesia approved the draft of the new criminal code on 6 December…